About Us

Croatian Natural History Museum
Zagreb, Demetrova 1
Personal identification number/OIB: 53150371536
The institution is registered in the Court Register:
Register number: 080155049 (Commercial Court in Zagreb)
BANKA: Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d., Jadranski trg 3A, 51000 Rijeka, Hrvatska
IBAN: HR4524020061100990055
E-mail address: info@hpm.hr

Phone +385 1 4851700
Fax +385 1 4851644
Web: www.hpm.hr
E-mail address: shop@hpm.hr


Fixed conversion rate: 7,53450

Web shop was financed within the project KK. "THE GUARDIAN OF CULTURAL HERITAGE AS A CATALYST OF DEVELOPMENT, RESEARCH AND LEARNING - THE NEW CROATIAN NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM". The project was co-financed by the European Union, European Fund for Regional Development and project partner City of Zagreb.

Copyright © 2023-present Croatian Natural History Museum. All rights reserved.